Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2

International News Latest World News, Videos Photos ABC News. Wade had conflicting memories of his childhood. He once recalled that his father abandoned his. Evaluation of the Canadian Space Agencys International Space Station Assembly and Maintenance Operations Program. Download the PDF version 1. MBFor the period from March 2. March 2. 01. 5Project 1. Prepared by the Audit and Evaluation Directorate. February 2. 01. 6Table of Contents. Introduction. Background. Evaluation Approach and Methods. UserFiles/Servers/Server_744386/Image/Worstell/Ribbon%20Chart%20.png' alt='Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2' title='Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2' />Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2Results. Conclusions and Recommendations. List of Tables and Figures. Table 1 ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations SSP Budget, 2. Table 2 ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations SSP Expenditures, 2. Table 3 ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations SSP Variation between Budget and Expenditures, 2. Table 4 Number of Canadian Astronauts in Space, 2. Table 5 Number of ExperimentsScientific Research Projects on ISS Involving Canada, 2. Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2' title='Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2' />Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2Table 6 Number of Operational Hours for MSS, 2. Table 7 Number of CSAFTEs on MSS Operations, 2. Table 8 Training Provided to Astronauts Ground Personnel, 2. Table 9 Unique Visits to the CSAISS Website, 2. Table 1. 0 Types of ISS related Communications Activities Undertaken by the CSA, 2. Table 1. 1 ISS Educational Materials Distributed, by Expedition, 2. Table 1. 2 Cost per Hour of MSS Operations, 2. Figure 1 Logic Model for the ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations SSPAcronyms Used in the Report. ARLU Annual Reference Level Update. AVU Artificial Vision Unit. BISE Bodies in Space Experiment. CASIS Centre for Advancement of Science in Space. CELTS Conscious Emotional Learning Tutoring CIGITI Centre for Image Guided Innovation and Therapeutic Intervention Co. FR Certification of Flight Readiness. CSA Canadian Space Agency. CSii Centre for Surgical Invention and Innovation CSOC Common Systems Operating Costs CSSP Canadian Space Station Program DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. DG Director General. ECG Evaluation Consultative Group. ELC Express Logistics Carrier. EBP Employee Benefit Plan. ESA European Space Agency. ESL Engineering Support Lead. EVA Extravehicular Activity. Rin Gameboy Emulator. EVR Extravehicular Robotics FAA Financial Administration Act. FPL Flight Planning Lead. FTE Full time Equivalent. HEOMD Human Exploration Operations Mission Directorate NASAHQP Highly Qualified Personnel. HTV2 H II Transfer Vehicle. IGA Intergovernmental Agreement. IMC Increment Management Center IP Intellectual Property ISED Innovation, Science and Economic Development. ISECG International Space Exploration Coordination Group ISS International Space Station JAXA Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency. Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2' title='Canadian Forces Logistics Branch Handbook 2' />LEO Low Earth Orbit. L SE Logistics Sustaining Engineering MBS Mobile Base System. MCB Multilateral Coordination Board. MDA Mac. Donald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd MER Mission Evaluation Room. The DHS Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Terms DAAT list contains homeland security related acronyms, abbreviations, and terms that can be found in DHS documents. President Donald Trump hates leaks. Well, he hates leaks about himself. The president is 100 percent fine with giving secrets to Russian officials in the Oval Office. Inbound Logistics glossary of transportation, logistics, supply chain, and international trade terms can help you navigate through confusion and get to the meaning. Logistics is generally the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation. In a general business sense, logistics is the management of the flow of. A yearlong manhunt ended last weekend, when police arrested a gang of five Romanian stunt thieves near a large collection of Van Gogh paintings in the Netherlands. The leading humanitarian information source on global crises and disasters. Reliable and timely information from trusted sources. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. See world news photos and videos at ABCNews. Acknowledgments. This recovery strategy was prepared by Krista Baker, David Andrews, Kathy St. Laurent Environment CanadaCanadian Wildlife Service ECCWS. Prior to the late 18th century, there was generally no organizational support for staff functions such as military intelligence, logistics, planning or personnel. MIEMS Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Manipulator System MOC Mission Operations Centre. MOU Memorandum of Understanding. MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging MSEF MSS Sustaining Engineering Facility MSS Mobile Servicing System NASA National Aeronautics and Space Agency NGC Next Generation Canadarm. NRC National Research Council. OCS Operations Control Software OEC Operations Engineering Centre OECD Organisation for Economic Co operation Development. OGDs Other Government Departments. OIP Operations and Implementation Plan. O M Operations and Maintenance. What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf Notes more. ORU Orbit Replacement Unit. PAA Program Alignment Architecture PSPC Public Services and Procurement Canada. R MPSR Remote Multi Purpose Support Room R D Research and Development. RPCM Remote Power Control Module. RWS Robotic Workstation S T Science and Technology. SEMC Space Exploration Management Committee SIS Space Infrastructure Servicing. SPDM Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator SP Sub Program. SSP Sub Sub Program. SSRMS Space Station Remote Manipulator System SST Space Science and Technology. STDP Space Technology Development Program. SVS Space Vision System. TB Treasury Board. Executive Summary. Background. This report presents the findings of the Evaluation of the Canadian Space Agency CSAs International Space Station ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations Sub Sub Program SSP. The evaluation was conducted between December 2. February 2. 01. 6, covering the time period from March 2. March 2. 01. 5. The Space Station Program began in 1. G7 economies by then United States US President Reagan to contribute to the on orbit facility. The original partners were the US lead, Canada, Europe represented by the European Space Agency ESA and Japan. In 1. 98. 5 the Government of Canada confirmed its participation in the program and the original Intergovernmental Agreement IGA was signed in 1. An updated IGA was signed in 1. Russia. Canadas contribution to the ISS is the Mobile Servicing System MSS. The MSSs main elements are the Space Station Remote Manipulator System SSRMS or the second generation Canadarm. Mobile Base System MBS that transports the Canadian robots and ISS payloads along the length of the stations main truss, launched in 2. Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator SPDM or Dextre, a two armed dexterous robot, launched in March 2. The Artificial Vision Units AVUs and Operations Control Software OCS were also provided to support on orbit crew operations of the MSS via the National Aeronautics and Space Agency NASAs Robotic Workstation RWS, which also falls under the sustaining engineering support responsibilities of the CSA. The MSS is supported by operations and training facilities located at the CSAs headquarters in Saint Hubert, Quebec, and by an MSS Sustaining Engineering Facility MSEF operated by Mac. Donald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd MDA, the prime contractor in Brampton, Ontario. In accordance with the provisions of the NASACSA Memoranda of Understanding MOU, Canada is obligated to support the operations of the MSS provide MSS training to crew and ground support personnel develop and implement procedures for operating the MSS in a safe, efficient and effective manner provide logistics and sustaining engineering for each Canadian element throughout the life cycle of the ISS andprovide required spares and to repair MSS hardware that fails on orbit. In return for its contribution of the MSS and for fulfilling its obligations, Canada has the right to utilize 2. ISS user accommodations for research activities, and 2. Canada also has the right to provide Canadian astronauts for 2. ISS crew flight opportunities. In addition to its obligations, Canada is required to compensate NASA for 2. ISS Common Systems Operating Costs CSOCs. These are the costs attributed to the operation of the ISS as a whole, for which all partners must pay their respective share. The partners have agreed to minimize the exchange of funds by providing goods and services in kind, i. To date, all cooperating agencies have offset their CSOC obligations through such barters. The ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations SSP is an ongoing activity and is funded through the CSA A base. The MSS Operations budget is managed through the existing CSA financial structure in accordance with all applicable Financial Administration Act FAA policies. Budgets are decentralized to the managers responsible for the delivery of specific activities. The total budget for the ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations SSP between 2. The scope of the ISS Assembly and Maintenance Operations SSP is the operation and maintenance of the MSS.