What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf Notes

AE9. 11. Truth Architects Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 1. How could all 4. 7 core columns fail at the same instant Fires could not do that. Official Collapse Theory Defies All Laws of Physics. By James Mc. Dowell and AE9. Truth Staff. Since its inception in 2. Architects Engineers for 91. Truth has remained steadfast in its mission of exposing the flaws in the claims made by the National Institute of Safety and Technology NIST namely, that the impact of two planes and the resulting fires brought down three steel framed skyscrapers on September 1. We do scientific, cogent, and comprehensive analyses, backed by forensically tested, unassailable facts. One outcome of our insistence on remaining true to our mission is that our ranks of signatories has swelled from less than a dozen to more than 2,3. World Trade Center on 91. Additionally, over 2. AE9. 11. Truth petition, and more than 2. Facebook page. Last August we introduced this once taboo topic with a 4. C SPAN, foiling a mainstream media blackout and allowing a national audience of millions to finally hear the most poignant and suppressed facts about that fatal day. While much of AE9. Truths success can be ascribed to the perseverance of its founder and the other members of its board of directors, who have remained focused on the science, none of its achievements would have been possible without the professional credibility lent by an ever growing contingent of professional signatories structural engineers. The members of this distinguished group, numbering 6. Their courage in stepping up to speak the inconvenient truth secures for them a venerable place as the scientific backbone of AE9. Truth. Five years after 91. What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf Notes' title='What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf Notes' />San Francisco Bay Area architect Richard Gage, AIA, began raising technical questions among his professional colleagues about the destruction of the Twin Towers and 4. WTC Building 7. He realized that an organized effort by building professionals and scientists was needed to shine light on the governments false version of 91. In the years since founding AE9. Truth, Gage has discovered that those who take time to look at the facts overwhelmingly agree that vital questions about the forensic evidence and video testimony remain unanswered by government officials. Thats why he and more than 2,3. US, Canada, Australia, the UK, and Europe have signed the petition that demands an unbiased, unimpeachable investigation of the World Trade Centers destruction. Every day, more professionals all of them carefully vetted by AEs verification team join the existing signatories. For Some, the Doubts Began EarlySomething is wrong with this picture, thought Nathan Lomba, S. E., P. E., of Eureka, California, as he watched televised replays of the Twin Tower collapses on September 1. As a licensed structural engineer trained in buildings responses to stress, Lomba saw more on the screen than did the average viewer. He tried to answer this perplexing question, How did the structures collapse in near symmetrical fashion when the damage was clearly not symmetricalLomba was hardly alone in his doubts and discomfort that day. Whether they publicly admit it or not, and whether they saw the events unfold live or watched endless television and internet reruns later, most building professionals or individuals with any knowledge of building collapses were surprised when the towers fell. Demolitions expert Van Romero voiced his thoughts the day the planes struck, though he unaccountably reversed his position ten days later. What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf Notes' title='What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf Notes' />What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf NotesAlso early on, MIT engineer and research scientist Jeff King made his first impressions of 91. Even TV anchors see here and here, for example expressed their unfiltered opinions on the air that fateful day. How did the structures collapse in near symmetrical fashion when the damage was clearly not symmetrical By and large, though, building professionals kept their misgivings to themselves. What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf Notes' title='What Engineers Know And How They Know It Pdf Notes' />U. S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration 3 rent Population Survey CPS going back to 1994, almost identical trends emerge. The Rensselaer mens hockey team has two NCAA Championships to its credit, having won national titles in 19. 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In the ensuing days, weeks, and months, they watched in bewilderment as reputable magazines like Scientific American and the Journal of Engineering Mechanics, well regarded television stations like the BBC and The History Channel, and government agencies including NIST and the Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA trotted out varying and imaginative hypotheses as to how fires could have leveled all three high rise structures. Many structural engineers, like Lomba, find the unnatural symmetry of the fall of all three skyscrapers highly suspicious. The rapidity of collapse eventually acknowledged by NIST as free fall acceleration also troubles them. Some note that the fires were weak, low temperature, and short lived. Others ask how the tilting upper section of the South Tower, WTC 2, straightened itself. Everywhere they look, pieces of the puzzle dont fit with what weve been told, these engineers insist. New evidence that has come to light over the years but was omitted from government reports dozens of eyewitness testimonies of explosions, unexplained molten iron in the debris pile, and chemical evidence of steel cutting incendiaries has only validated these engineers initial suspicions. More than a few of them also point to the implausible aspects of civil engineering professor Zdenk Baants pile driver model, first published a mere two days after 91. They also cite the impossibilities as well as slipshod and dishonest methodology of both the 2. FEMA report and the NIST final reports on the Twin Towers 2. Building 7 2. 00. Mystifying many of these professionals is the abrupt fall, in the late afternoon of 91. WTC 7, which was not hit by an airplane but only by debris ejected from the North Tower when it came down. The Everly Brothers 1958 Rapidshare. The repeated postponement of the governments reports only added figurative fuel to the fire, in the minds of many a skeptical engineer. Artificial Symmetry. The symmetry of collapse struck both Paul Mason, a structural engineer in Melbourne, Australia, and Dennis Kollar, P. E., a structural engineer in Wisconsin, as disconcerting. Kollar remains troubled by the totality and uniformity of the destruction and by the fact that the mass of debris remained centered on the building core all the way down. Ltkrn10n.Dll Windows 7 on this page. John Watt, a chartered structural engineer in Edinburgh, UK, voices similar concerns. With respect to the Twin Towers, he says, the main puzzle was how two buildings with highly asymmetric damage could fail vertically downwards into the strongest part of the buildings their steel columned cores. And not only fail vertically, but at a speed that indicated structural resistance being removed sequentially from under the collapse wave. Few engineers would imagine buildings a quarter of a mile high failing vertically, into their main structures, rather than failing laterally given the eccentric damage. The towers should have fallen with increasing eccentricity as the collapse progressed, observes Howard Pasternack, P. Eng., of Toronto, Canada. Moreover, these systematic collapses required that many structural connections not only fail nearly simultaneously, but also in sequential order, according to Frank Cullinan, P. E., who designs bridges in Northern California. Thats impossible from asymmetrical impact loading and. The engineers find it difficult to believe the governments claim that scattered fires brought about such an orderly collapse.