Basic Rules Of English Grammar Book

Basic English Syntax with Exercises. Rules 67 2 Grammatical. Grammar and Linguistic Theory This book attempts to describe some of the basic grammatical. If one were to take the Oxford Pocket English Dictionary and remove the redundancies of our rich language, we find that 90 of the concepts in that dictionary can be. If you just started learning English, you first need to know some basic rules of the language. Developing a solid foundation in English grammar will not only help you. Basic English grammar PDF download the English grammar book for free English grammar PDF free to download. This book English grammar book will help students learn. History. In 1936 Ogden had Otto and Marie Neurath make International Picture Language as one of a group of eight books in Basic English. Rules of word use. The word. Grammar Rules. This is a quick, basic grammar review for nouns, verbs, and the sometimes confusing usage of lay versus lie, and rise versus raise. This reference can be used for term papers, grammar class reviews, or simply for anyone confused or curious about the basics of English grammar. Nouns. 1. Noun identification. Count, Mass, and Collective Nouns. Plural and Possessive Nouns. Noun Identification. What is a noun A noun is a person, place, thing, quality, animal, idea or activity. Basic Rules Of English Grammar Book' title='Basic Rules Of English Grammar Book' />Learn English grammar with easy and simple method, some important english grammar and rules, english exercises grammar, learn english through online, basic english. English rules with examples about grammar, punctuation and capitalization provided by The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation. For example Person Maria. Place Detroit. Thing Desk. Quality Width. Animal Dog. Idea Independence. Activity Navigation. Spot the nouns in a sentence Maria went into the city to purchase detergent. Nouns Person Maria. Place City. Thing Detergent. The functions of nouns. Nouns sometimes function differently in sentences. For example Subject Maria likes ice cream. Object of Preposition He gave the ice cream to Maria. Subject complement The best customer is Maria. Grammar vocabulary Nominal means any word, or group of words, used as a noun. The nominal word used in the original noun example is Maria. Types of Nouns. The names of specific things, places, and people, like Maria or Detroit, are Proper nouns. General, colloquial names, like table or house are Common nouns. Common nouns can either be concrete, or abstract. When an object is concrete i. Concrete noun. When it is a quality or idea, like freedom or justice, it is an Abstract noun. Count Nouns. Count nouns are anything that can be counted. They are singular or plural. Plurals usually end with s. Singular Car. Plural Cars. Singular Chair. Plural Chairs. Singular Dog. Plural Dogs. Irregular Examples. Singular Mouse. Plural Mice. Singular Child. Plural Children. Most nouns ending in s, sh, o, or ch need an es suffix to be plural. Singular Bus. Plural Buses. Singular Dish. Plural Dishes. Singular Potato. Plural Potatoes. Singular Church. Plural Churches. Nouns ending in a consonant followed by y become plural by changing the y to i and adding es. Singular Mystery. Plural Mysteries. Mass Nouns are nouns that cannot be counted and they usually do not have a plural form. Examples Freedom, sand, money. Collective nouns refer to groups of people andor things. Unlike mass nouns, they can usually be counted, so they usually have plural forms. Examples Singular Staff. Plural Staffs. Singular Herd. Plural Herds. Plural Nouns. Plural nouns are the nouns that have been changed into their plural states by adding s or es. Remember your irregular nouns, such as mice and children They too are plural nouns. Possessive Nouns. Nouns can be possessive and express ownership, usually following the use of of. Example The life of Maria. Most singular possessives are formed by adding an apostrophe and s. If the noun is plural, the possessive form becomes s and apostrophe. Singular Common Dog. Singular Possessive Dogs. Plural Common Dogs. Plural Possessive DogsException if the plural noun does not end with an s, the possessive is formed by adding apostrophe and s. Example Singular Common Woman. Singular Possessive Womans. Plural Common Women. Plural Possessive Womens. Pronouns. A pronoun takes the place of an unknown noun. The unknown noun is called the antecedent. Example Maria wondered if she was late for work. Maria is the antecedent of she. Instead of saying Maria wondered if Maria was late for work, she appears to take the place of Maria. The Nine forms of Pronouns Personal, possessive, indefinite, reflexive, reciprocal, intensive, interrogative, relative, and demonstrative. The pronoun must always agree with antecedent, so if the antecedent is male, the pronoun must be male, if the antecedent is plural, the pronoun must be plural, etc. Example Correct When Maria bought the detergent, she used her credit card. Incorrect When Maria bought the detergent, they used his credit card. Pronoun Cases. Nominative Cases I, you, he, she, it, we, they, who. The nominative, or subjective, case pronoun is the subject of the sentence. Examples She went to the store. Who has the bookI am he. This is she. Objective Cases Me, you, him, her, it, us, them, whom. These function as direct or indirect objects. Examples We gave HER the bus money. We gave IT to HER. I dont know to WHOM I speak. The bag is with HER. Possessive Cases My, mine, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs, your, yours, whose. The possessive case pronoun shows possession. Example That is MY bag. That bag is MINE. HER bus was late. The bags are all HERS. Personal Pronouns can refer to the personpeople speaking First person, spoken to second person, or spoken ABOUT third person. First person subject singular IFirst person subject plural We. First person object singular me. First person object plural us. Second person subject singular you. Second person subject plural you. Second person object singular you. Second person object plural you Third person subject singular he, she, it. Third person subject plural they. Third person object singular him, her, it. Third person object plural them. Example I wanted to give them to her, but he wouldnt let me. I first person singular. Them third person plural. Her third person singular. He third person singular. Me first person singular. Possessive Pronouns. Like regular nouns, personal pronouns can also be possessive. Azealia Banks Fantasea Mixtape. Possessive Determiners are possessive forms of personal pronouns. Possessive Determiners must have a following noun. First person determiner singular My bookFirst person determiner plural Our bookFirst person pronoun singular Mine. First person pronoun plural Ours. Second person determiner singular Your bookSecond person determiner plural Your bookSecond person pronoun singular Yours. Second person pronoun plural Yours. Third person determiner singular His, Her, Its bookThird person determiner plural Their bookThird person pronoun singular His, hers, its. Third person pronoun plural Theirs. Example They have MY bags but they know theyre MINE. My Determiner, dependent on BagsMine stands in place of My bags. Indefinite Pronouns. These have no specific antecedents. These are usually identified with general words like all, any, some, or none. Examples Singular another, both, nobody, everything, nothing, somebody, everyone, no one, something, etc. Plural all, many, most, much, some. Examples Somebody has her bags. Plural Everyone knows about Marias bags. Indefinite pronouns are only pronouns if they are used ALONE. If they are used with a noun, they become indefinite adjectives. Pronoun Both knew they were Marias bags. Adjective Both baggers knew they were Marias bags. If the subject performs actions TO or FOR itself, the action in the sentence passes BACK to the subject and becomes a reflexive pronoun. First person singular Myself. First person plural Ourselves. Second person singular Yourself. Second person plural Yourselves. Third person singular HimselfHerselfItself. Third person plural Themselves. Example We asked OURSELVES where her bags were. We is the doer and receiver of the action ask. Intensive Pronouns are used to point back to the noun or pronoun for emphasis. Example I myself knew they were Marias bags. The intensive pronoun does not always need to directly follow the noun. Example I prefer walking myself. Reciprocal pronouns express mutual action. Examples each other each others. One anotherone anothers. Maria and Heather greeted each other.