Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother

Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' title='Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' />Which Baseball Legends Had Two Separate Hall Of Fame Careers When discussing Rickey Hendersons Hall of Fame prospects, Bill James once wrote that if you could split him in two, youd have two Hall of Famers. Its a seemingly hyperbolic quip from one of sports most precise thinkers. So its probably worth a closer look. Henderson is a pivotal figure in baseball and all of sports as an early test case for how advanced analytics can alter our perceptions of a player. His gaudy stolen base numbers and impressive standard batting statistics made him a shoo in for Cooperstown well before the rise of sabermetrics his value has grown even further under the analytical lens. More than any single statistic, however, its Hendersons longevity that makes him a legend. Its not simply that Henderson played for 2. Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' title='Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' />If you take Hendersons first 1. WAR wins above replacement, as calculated by Baseball Reference of 6. If you throw all of that out, and use only his stats in the 1. Henderson had a second career with a WAR of 4. Thatd be good enough on its own for 3. Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' title='Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' />MLB history, the same as Ralph Kiner and better than the likes of Lou Brock, Dizzy Dean, and many other Cooperstown residents. To put it another way, if Rickey Henderson had never played those first 1. Hall of Famer. This is what Bill James meant. So who are the other members of this exclusive club In honor of Jamess observation well call them the Hendersonian Hall of Famers, though it would be more accurate to call them Ruthian, in honor of the man with the highest second career WAR, a whopping 8. Who are those players with excellence so long lived that they had two entirely independent. Hall of Fame career arcs And whos the current player most likely to join them One way to examine this would be to use a method used by Matt Klaassen of Fangraphs. Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' title='Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' />Disclaimer I am in no way, shape, or form, advising men to become physically abusive toward women. This article is simply pointing out a few reasons why females are. A page for describing Characters Law Order Special Victims Unit. Main Characters A detective in the Manhattan Special Victims Unit, which investigates. Are you struggling paying for your prescription drug costs There are programs to help you with these high costs. Our experts can help you find out if you are. Klaassen suggests dividing a single players career into two hypothetical players, determined by a snake draft of that original players individual seasons. This method, in which the seasons can be out of order, is designed to account for the fact that the true halves as in, cutting a career down the middle of players careers are often unequal. Using Klassens method, a player who lasts 2. Bondsian. Albert Pujols might actually end up with this kind of career. Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' title='Softball Stereotype How I Met Your Mother' />Synopsis A man of means desires to be a, plaything of a young lady. His wishes come true when he answers an ad for a, Sugar Daddy. He quickly learns she knows far. We provide excellent essay writing service 247. Enjoy proficient essay writing and custom writing services provided by professional academic writers. More on him later. But we dont think that method quite captures the essence of Jamess comment, because it downplays longevity and emphasizes peak performance. So well use a different method Well divide the careers of players who have played 2. WAR of the lesser but still contiguous half. By doing this, we squeeze out the two most likely Hall of Fame windows, each of at least 1. HOF induction, while keeping the order of the individual seasons. What constitutes a Hall of Fame career in baseball is a messy science, even in the age of advanced stats. Special achievements awards, peak seasons, playoff heroics, the era in which one played dead ball or juiced ball, for example, and other details if you played for a big market team inform how we judge the excellence of a career. The most popular single measure for overall career value is wins above replacement, which ostensibly translates to the number of wins a player added to his team relative to a replacement level player at that position. We can use Baseball References calculation for WAR to get an idea of how good a player was, and use that as a proxy for Hall of Fame chances. To do this, we determined the list of MLB players who played 2. WAR of at least 4. The average Hall of Famer has a career WAR between 6. Cooperstown tend to begin. For example, plenty of well regarded Hall of Famers have career WARs below 5. Sandy Koufax 4. 9 and Hack Wilson 3. Fitting here, 4. 5 is also very close to the career WAR of Addie Joss 4. MLB seasons before dying young from tuberculous meningitis, leading the Hall of Fame to waive its usual 1. So two half careers with WARs of 4. Hendersonian. Just 2. To put that in perspective, the Hall of Fame contains 2. Major League players, so the Hendersonianswould represent 1. Hall. Though not all the Hendersoniansare in the Hall of Fame, for. Here they are Thats a fine list of the best of the best ever to play the game, along with a couple of real surprises. And when we begin to dig into the data, we learn some really interesting things. For one, even among the elite, there appears to be a real correlation between the two windows of a players career. Sure, the second windows of careers were slightly less productive on average 6. Hendersonians did a remarkably good job of maintaining their excellence, as demonstrated by a positive correlation Pearsons product moment, r 0. We can also examine the composition of Hendersonians by position. There are seven pitchers, zero catchers, zero first baseman, four second baseman, two shortstops, zero third basemen, three center fielders, and six corner outfielders. The zeroes at the corner infield positions first base and third base are somewhat surprising, especially because first base is usually thought of as a superstar position. Lou Gehrig and Jimmie Foxx came close to Hendersonian, but their careers were cut short in their mid 3. Perhaps the defensive penalty WAR places on first basemen is too much, though a number of slugging corner outfielders Ruth, Bonds, Musial, Ott were able to overcome WARs defensive penalty for their positions. We also see a large number of middle infielders and center fielders, who combined defensive contributions at valuable spots with stellar offensive numbers for their positions. The absence of any catchers from the list is telling the toll of playing the position places drastically limits those players longevity. So who are the Hendersonian Hall of FamersFor the most part, the list is a good approximation of the truest inner circle of the Hall, minus a few players who didnt quite have the longevity Lou Gehrig, Mickey Mantle, Mike Schmidt or gave up parts of their primes to military service Ted Williams. Perhaps the only raised eyebrows go to Phil Niekro and Gaylord Perry, who snuck onto the back end of the listtheyre the only two Hendersonianswith career WARs under 1. But their careers were not only long and successful, but also remarkably balanced between their first and second halves. Most players with WAR totals in the 9. Niekro and Perry to basically equal the very good numbers put up by their younger selves. But the biggest surprise arrives when we ask the question Who is the next Hendersonian Who is the active baseball great cramming two Hall of Fame careers into one No, its not Albert Pujols, who racked up an incredible 8. WAR over his first 1. Its not Clayton Kershaw, who is just finishing up his stellar first 1. Mike Trout, who is barely halfway through his. Both may join the club someday, but its too early to safely project now. The current player most like to be not just a Hall of Fame, but a Hendersonian Hall of Famer isAdrian Beltre Yup. From 1. 99. 8 to 2. Beltre put up roughly 5. WAR. In his six seasons since then, hes added another 3. WAR. Although hes in his age 3. WAR just last year, and projection systems like ZIPS and Steamer forecasted another 3 to 4 in 2. Old Rugged Cross Midi File on this page. Beltre missed nearly two months to start the season with a calf injury, which is a real risk of age, but hes been great since returning and should still reach those projections. If Beltre sticks around another four seasons or so through age 4. Reasons Women Stay With Abusive Men Return Of Kings. Disclaimer I am in no way, shape, or form, advising men to become physically abusive toward women. This article is simply pointing out a few reasons why females are drawn to abusive and violent men. Weve all heard stories about women who are in relationships with physically abusive men. During such conversations statements like She must have low self esteem, or She must have some sort of mental illness are the usual discussed reasons she doesnt leave the relationship. Granted, there may be some truth to those and other statements like them. But men who have a good understanding of the true nature of women know that in this day and age, it is that very nature combined with the degenerate feminist culture were currently entrenched in that contributes to their decision to stick around. Im going to give three reasons most women and men for that matter would never openly lend credence to. Its a turn on. Not surprised in the least. Women are aroused by violent men whether they admit it or not. It doesnt matter if that violence is legal boxing, MMA, etc or if its turned onto them, men who trade in violence, domestic, professionally, or otherwise, moisten the panties of females. Of course females would never say this out loud. A girl would never tell her friends My physically abusive boyfriend scares the shit out of me but it turns me on lest she make herself look bad and be subjected to a battery of questions and furtive glances. But we here in the sphere know the truth. Anyone who doubts this neednt look any further than the case of Chris Brown. Hes the butt of plenty of jokes but his career hasnt suffered. In fact, since he beat the shit out of Rihanna, his celebrity has increased exponentially as most of his fans are females. Buzzfeed and Huffington Post both posted articles in the wake of what they described as disturbing reactions to Browns domestic abuse charges. They were just beside themselves with befuddlement as to why women would openly admit to being aroused by Browns violence toward women. It should come as no surprise to anyone here the two reconciled at one point when Rihanna decided to put the incident behind her. But their torrid love affair is hardly the tip of the iceberg. Women have always been drawn to violent men. From women who fall for serial killers, to females who date, and even marry men behind bars this phenomenon is nothing new. Girls can say whatever they want but their biology will always win out in the end. Excitement. Put simply, women would rather be in an abusive relationship than a boring one. When a female is in a boring relationship, its not long before she wants out. Women crave excitement, fun, and unpredictability. If theyre not getting it from their men, theyll eventually find it somewhere else. However, when a female is in a physically abusive relationship, there is very little boredom. No, theres no fun in getting her ass beat, but the adrenaline rush that comes with the unpredictability of her lovers volatile mood keeps her on her toes and for better or worse it keeps her around. Battered women are never bored. My ex wifes grandmother was married to an alcoholic who was extremely abusive. She told us plenty of stories about the late night shouting matches and beatings she took at his hands when he stumbled in at all hours of the night pissed off about this or that for little to no reason. And at the end every story she told us about him shed smile, shake her head, and with a slight chuckle say never a dull moment with that one without fail. But what blew my socks off was when she told us she never stopped loving him even after he died. Women might not always choose, or get the chance to choose between boredom and violence when it comes to their men. But you can bet your ass their southern regions would respond much more strongly to the latter. Depedestalization. This aint happening in abusive relationships. Putting todays woman on a pedestal is one of the quickest ways to move to the bottom of her totem pole of potential suitors. The reason for this is that females in this part of the world are worshiped from birth by males. So when a man exhibits similar reverence in her presence it doesnt arouse her because shes quite literally desensitized to that kind of attention. Shes been getting it all her life and get it whenever she wants. Its human nature to take something for granted if its readily available to us and male idolatry is no different. Women in abusive relationships are well aware that their assailants dont worship the ground they walk on. The moment he strikes her it becomes crystal clear he doesnt give a damn about hurting her feelings and couldnt care less about pissing her off. Thanks to feminism, this utter disregard for her mental and physical well being is twisted into being viewed as a commodity by the warped and unhealthy female mind. Shell never think to herself my boyfriend hits me so this is a good thing and I will stay with him. Subconsciously, however, she is drawn to him because he is unafraid to impose his will on her and violence is the end all, be all in that respect. Conclusion. We all know that sluts are off limits when it comes to long term commitment. Abused women fall into that same category. Try all you want but short of beating the crap out of her you will never be as exciting, unpredictable, or as volatile as her past lovers. There are plenty of women out there who are devoted to men who have never laid a hand on them. But the level of devotion that battered women have for their abusers is far beyond that of their untouched counterparts. Read Next Women In Their Prime Prefer Sex With Damaged Men.