Forge Of Freedom Serial Number

James T. Kirk Memory Alpha. For additional meanings of James T. Kirk, please see James T. Kirk. Dont let them promote you. Dont let them transfer you. Dont let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while youre there, you can make a difference. James Tiberius Jim Kirk was a male Human. Starfleetofficer in the 2. He was arguably one of the most famous and highly decoratedstarshipcaptains in the history of Starfleet. As the commanding officer of the Constitution class starships USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise A, Kirk served United Federation of Planets interests as an explorer, soldier, time traveler, and diplomat. His exploits were required reading for cadets studying Early Starfleet History in the 2. I have been using SOUND FORGE Audio Studio 12 for few days and Im truly enjoying it. It didnt take me long to learn how it works as its very intuitive. Valley Forge Military Academy College VFMAC is an American preparatory boarding school grades 712 and coeducational as of Fall 2006 junior college and. They included the saving of the Pelosians from extinction, despite it being a violation of the Prime Directive, along with his saving of the Baezians and Chenari years earlier, and a record setting number of first contacts. This record stood until the 2. Captain Kathryn Janeway set a new record by being the first Federation captain in the previously unexplored Delta Quadrant. TOS Whom Gods Destroy, Errand of Mercy, Assignment Earth, Journey to Babel, Elaan of Troyius Star Trek IV The Voyage Home Star Trek VI The Undiscovered Country Star Trek Generations DS9 Trials and Tribble ations VOY Q2, Friendship One. Early history Edit. James Tiberius Jim Kirk was a Humandescendant of pioneers of the American frontier during the late 1. Game Pc Dynomite. TOS Spectre of the Gun He was born on March 2. Iowa, USA, Earth. He was the son of George and Winona Kirk. TOS Where No Man Has Gone Before, The Deadly Years Star Trek IV The Voyage Home ENT In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II His parents named him after his maternal grandfather, James, and his paternal grandfather, Tiberius. Star Trek. The first draft story outline of TOS The Conscience of the King regarded Kirk as having been born thirty years prior to the setting of that episode. Forge Of Freedom Serial Number' title='Forge Of Freedom Serial Number' />Since that episode has laterally been declared as being set in 2. Governor Kodos in 2. In 2. 24. 6, Kirk was living on the planet. Tarsus IV during a food crisis that was starving the colony, which consisted of eight thousand people. Governor. Kodos, sympathetic to old eugenicsphilosophies and unaware that relief ships were imminent, tried to save a portion of the colony by killing four thousand colonists he deemed least desirable or able to survive. The thirteen year old Jim Kirk was one of only nine eyewitnesses to the massacre. TOS The Conscience of the King. In the first draft story outline of The Conscience of the King, Kirk was instead to have witnessed his father being murdered by Kodos and an army of marauders led by him. Even in the episodes final revised draft script, Kirk was established as having had more of a connection to those he saw being killed than in the final version of the episode, as they were said to have included friends of his, though no family. Also in ultimately omitted dialogue from the final revised draft script, the incident was said to have taken place when Kirk was a young, inexperienced midshipman, fresh out of the Academy. ACW-TBATG_6-21-07(7).jpg' alt='Forge Of Freedom Serial Number' title='Forge Of Freedom Serial Number' />The notion of Kirk being a midshipman with no family on Tarsus IV at the time of the massacre was also included in a deleted scene from The Conscience of the King. Swept Up Snippets from the Cutting Room Floor, Star Trek The Original Series The Roddenberry Vault special features As for Kirk having survived the incident, the aforementioned script had him say, I was one of those Kodos spared He ordered me left alive I was one of the fittest Kirk first met Gary Mitchell when he was a child, in 2. YXYmCKi.jpg?resize=632%2C534' alt='Forge Of Freedom Serial Number' title='Forge Of Freedom Serial Number' />TOS Where No Man Has Gone Before. See also Gary Mitchell Starfleet Academy Edit. In 2. 25. 2, Kirk began a five year officer training program at Starfleet Academy in San Francisco, thanks to some assistance from a man named Mallory. TOS The Apple He later credited his father as his inspiration for joining Starfleet. Star Trek. Finnegan as he appeared in 2. As a plebe, Kirk soon caught the attention of a boisterous, bullying. Irishman named Finnegan. The upperclassman evidently hazed Jimmy boy mercilessly throughout their shared time at the Academy. Fifteen years later, the Shore Leave Planet sensed Kirks antipathy for Finnegan and produced a simulacrum that Kirk could pummel for satisfaction. TOS Shore Leave. As a cadet, Kirk participated in a successful peace mission to the planet Axanar, for which Starfleet Commandawarded him with the Palm Leaf of Axanar Peace Mission. TOS Court Martial, Whom Gods Destroy. Kirks academic studies introduced him to men he encountered later in his Starfleet career. Among his more prominent teachers was John Gill, a noted professor of history and cultural observer. TOS Patterns of Force Kirk studied the exploits, especially a victorious mission at Axanar, of Captain Garth of Izar, a famous captain who joined Kirks pantheon of heroes. TOS Whom Gods Destroy Another subject, the Pasteur of archaeological medicine, Dr. Roger Korby, became a man Kirk wanted to meet. TOS What Are Little Girls Made Of. When he was a midshipman, Kirk began a friendship with instructor Lieutenant. Benjamin Finney that continued into their service together aboard the USS Republic. TOS Court Martial. During command training, Kirk confronted the Kobayashi Maru scenario, a simulation used to evaluate a students reactions to a no win battle and rescue situation. Kirk refused to accept his first two defeats. Before making a third attempt, he secretly reprogrammed the simulation computer, consequently becoming the only cadet in Academy history to beat the no win scenario, and earning a commendation for original thinking. Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan. In a line from the script of The Wrath of Khan but not in the theatrical or directors cut of the film, Kirk mentioned that what he had done nearly got him tossed out of the Academy. In Star Trek, the alternate. James T. Kirk faced this situation after he defeated the scenario. Junior officer Edit. Kirk was commissioned as an officer in the United Federation of Planets Starfleet with the serial number SC9. CEC. In the mid 2. Lt. Finney, he was promoted to ensign. He served aboard the Republic with his friend Lt. Ben Finney. When Finney made a mistake nearly catastrophic to the ship, Kirk logged the incident, which resulted in his friend being reprimanded and put to the bottom of the promotion list. TOS Court Martial. In 2. 25. 5, Kirk was promoted to lieutenant. As a young lieutenant, he visited Neural on his first planetary survey mission. Kirk met and befriended one of the planets natives, the Hill man. Tyree. Kirks report described a primitive but promising culture, and Starfleet endorsed him recommending a policy of non interference. TOS The Corbomite Maneuver, A Private Little War. In 2. 25. 7, upon graduating from Starfleet Academy, Kirk began his service under Captain Garrovick. Kirks first deep space assignment was as a lieutenant aboard Garrovicks USS Farragut. As a phaser gun crew member, he was assigned to a phaser station. That year, the Farragut engaged the dikironium cloud creature at the planet Tycho IV. The creature killed Captain Garrovick and two hundred of the ships crew.