Download Purpose Driven Church Rick Warren Pdf Free

DownloadPurposeDrivenChurchRickWarrenPdffreeChurch Membership Class Sunny Hills Church. Sunny Hills Community Church. Why do Catholics pray to Saints, Canonized Saints, Is calling a saint. PB507001.jpeg?v=1415674371' alt='Download Purpose Driven Church Rick Warren Pdf Free' title='Download Purpose Driven Church Rick Warren Pdf Free' />TITHING, TITHES, tithe, should, church teach, russell earl kelly, Melchizedek. Melchisedek, scandal, taboo doctrine. The Little Fisherman. Written by noted author Margaret Wise Brown and illustrated by the legendary Dahlov Ipcar, this story features a charming main characters. Dont See How God Will Make A Way By Rick Warren May 21, 2014. Inside Social. The biggest and latest apps and platforms, plus trends and insights on the biggest online discussions. Books published and sold on dangers of contemplative prayer, new age and child abuse. The Purpose Driven Life 2002 is a devotional book written by Christian author Rick Warren and published by Zondervan. The book topped the Wall Street Journal best. Foreign Language Translation of Website. If you click the Select Language box on the header above, you can translate the NJIAT website into any of the 100. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. PXHzP_hQx2lDmX_z58CD50vaKQSJEjpC3Fw4AW3hwZklJeNV5VOmqMpv7DHlsnwoA=w1200-h630-p' alt='Download Purpose Driven Church Rick Warren Pdf Free' title='Download Purpose Driven Church Rick Warren Pdf Free' />Membership Class. You may download this information in a. Welcome were glad youre here Thank you for your interest in the Christian Faith and Sunny Hills Community Church This class is designed to help you understand what the Christian faith is all about, and how Sunny Hills Community Church can help you experience full life in Christ. Here is the class outline 1. How to become a Christian. Baptism. 3. The Purpose Driven life. Our statement of beliefs. Our purpose and vision. Who we are trying to reach, our target. The Sunny Hills strategy. How we organize to get things done. How to become a church member. Opening prayer Dear God, thank You for bringing us together for this special time of learning. Help us to understand Your purpose for my life and how Sunny Hills Community Church can help me develop a deeper faith. Give us the insight and ability to hear You during this class. In Jesus name, amen. How to Become a Christian. AAdmit your need. Romans 3 2. 3, For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Because we are all sinners, we all need forgiveness. BBelieve in Christ. Romans 3 2. 5, For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy Gods anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us. Believing that Jesus died for us, sacrificing His life for ours, restores a right relationship with God. CCommit yourself to Christ. John 1 1. 2 1. 3, But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn This is not a physical birth resulting from human passion or planthis rebirth comes from God. When you commit your life to Christ you are inviting Him to be the Leader and Forgiver of your life. This gives us a spiritual rebirth salvation. Here is a sample prayer of commitment Dear God, I admit my need for forgiveness. My sin has separated us, and I want a new start with You. So, I accept the sacrifice Jesus made for me on the Cross and I turn from my own way of life to following Jesus as my Leader. I commit my life to Christ and thank You for saving me. Amen. Baptism. After becoming a Christian your next step is to be baptized. Why To follow the example set by Christ. Mark 1 9 Because Christ commands it. Matthew 2. 8 1. 9 2. It shows that I really am a believer. Acts 1. 8 8 It illustrates Christs burial and resurrection. Corinthians 1. 5 3 4, Christ died for our sinsHe was buriedHe was raised on the third day It illustrates my new life as a Christian. Corinthians 5 1. When someone becomes a Christian he becomes a brand new person inside. He is not the same anymore. A new life has begunAt Sunny Hills Community Church we baptize by immersion getting dunked completely under water because Jesus was baptized that way. Matthew 3 1. 6. Every baptism in the Bible was by immersion. Acts 8 3. 8 3. 9. The word baptize means to dip under water. It best symbolizes a burial and resurrection. At Sunny Hills Church, it is a membership requirement that every member must have been baptized by immersion after becoming a Christian. The pastor can help make arrangements for you to experience baptism. The Purpose Driven Life. Every life is driven by something the distinctive mark of a Christian is that Jesus Christ is the Leader and Forgiver of his life. NOTE You will see this diagram often at Sunny Hills. Besides being our church logo, it is a teaching tool we use to explain the purpose driven life God wants for us. The Cross represents the two key relationships we need to experience full life in Christ The vertical line represents our relationship with God. The horizontal line represents our relationship with others. The five sides of the diagram represent the five purposes God has for every life. Worship. Living to please God. Fellowship. Loving Gods church family. Discipleship. Become more and more like Christ. Ministry. Serving God by serving others. Missions. Sharing the Christian faith with others. The four areas inside the diagram represent the four areas where we apply our purpose driven lifestyle with family, friends, at work, and at play. Youll notice the central focus of the diagram is a cross. The Cross reminds us that Jesus gave His life for us so that we might enjoy life at its best. Sunny Hills is a group of people who have discovered the meaning and purpose that knowing Jesus brings to life. Two key resources used at Sunny Hills are The Purpose Driven Church and The Purpose Driven Life, both written by pastor Rick Warren. The main thing about Sunny Hills Community Church is that we focus on helping you live out the five key purposes God has given us for our daily life. Church Word Ordinary Word Helps our Church grow Personal application. Worship Worship Stronger Gives me a power to live on. Fellowship Connect Warmer Gives me a people to live with. Discipleship Grow Deeper Gives me principles to live by. Ministry Serve Broader Gives me a profession to live out. Evangelism Share Larger Gives me a purpose to live for. You can see these five purposes in key Bible passages The Great Commandment Mark 1. Jesus said, And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important Love your neighbor as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these. Loving God is worship. Loving your neighbor is ministry. Discipleship deepens our relationship with God. Fellowship deepens our relationships with Gods family, the church. Evangelism helps others to begin loving God. The Great Commission Matthew 2. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this I am with you always, even to the end of the age. I am with you is worship. Enjoying the presence of God is a part of worship. Baptizing them is fellowship. Baptism identifies you with our church family. Obey all the commands is discipleship. Doing what God says helps us grow. Teach them is ministry. Teaching is one of many ways we can serve others. Go and make disciples is evangelism. This is the driving force of the church. Gods Great Gift John 3 1. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Gods love for us is what triggers our love for him, and our worship. Everyone. Being connected to others who receive Christ is fellowship. He Gave His Son. Gods pattern of giving prompts our ministry of service. Believes. Deepening belief is discipleship. Eternal life is the ultimate product of evangelism. Our Statement of Beliefs. Sunny Hills Community Church bases its beliefs on the Bible. Heres what we believe 1. ABOUT GOD. God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three persons the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are co equal and are one God. ABOUT JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is co equal with the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. College of Biblical Studies. Historical Sketch. Celebrating 4. 0 years of Truth, Training and Transformation The College of Biblical StudiesHouston CBS, formerly Houston Bible Institute HBI, began as a burden in the heart of the late Rev. Ernest L. Mays, the founder of HBI. He sensed that large segments of the local Christian community were functioning without trained leaders. This was especially true within the inner city minority groups. Out of this concern, Houston Bible Vocational Institute was incorporated in 1. Mr. William Thomas, Jr. Rev. Joe Wall assisted in the development of a multi racial, interdenominational board, which began working to make the school a reality. Within a short time, a decision was made to focus on biblical and theological training because they felt that there were already adequate resources for vocational training in the area. In the fall of 1. Houston Bible Institute were offered. Rev. Rodney L. Cooper was the schools first Executive Director. From its inception, the school used the facilities of KHCB FM, a Houston based Christian radio network, for its classrooms, and leased administrative space nearby. In 1. 98. 3, Rev. Rod Cooper resigned to pursue a Ph. D., and the Board promoted Rev. Jack Arrington, then Vice President, to President. President Arrington continued the difficult task of building the foundation and establishing credibility in the minority community. In 1. 99. 1, God called Rev. Arrington to the pastorate and Dr. William Boyd to fill his vacancy. Dr. Boyd began the process of building the superstructure on the vision of Mays and the foundation of Cooper and Arrington. He implemented a scholarship program that resulted in significant growth of the College. Under Dr. Boyds leadership, in 1. Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board certified the school as a college and the name was changed from Houston Bible Institute to College of Biblical StudiesHouston. In 1. CBS achieved national accreditation through the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges now the Association for Biblical Higher Education. In July 2. God called Dr. Jay A. Quine to the presidency and Dr. Boyd became the Chancellor. Dr. Quine provided leadership for the creation of the 2. Strategic Plan that focuses on the addition of a traditional bachelors program, a Center for Continuing Studies, and pursuit of regional accreditation. In June 2. 01. 2, the College of Biblical Studies Houston was granted Candidacy status for accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award Certificates and Associate and Baccalaureate degrees. In July 2. 01. 2, God called Dr. William Blocker to the presidency to provide leadership to the College in the pursuit of becoming the premier Bible college in Texas, and furthering its impact on families, churches and communities. CBS initially offered classes at the KHCB radio facilities located off the Southwest Freeway at Kirby. In 1. Hillcroft and the Southwest Freeway was purchased. The campus has continued to expand to meet the demands of a growing student body and today the 1. During its 3. 0 years of history, CBS has grown in its academic curriculum from offering a few credit and non credit courses to todays offerings of a Bible Certificate in English or Spanish language, an Associate of Biblical Studies degree in English and Spanish, and Bachelor of Science degree programs with majors in Biblical Studies, Biblical Counseling, Organizational Leadership and Christian Leadership. VISIONBy 2. 02. 0, the College of Biblical Studies Houston will become the premier Bible college in Texas focused on transforming a diverse student body to serve Christ and impact families, churches and communities, to the glory of God. MISSION AND PURPOSEMission Introduction. The College was developed to provide college level training in Bible and theology for those individuals who had little or no opportunity to receive such training by conventional means resident, full time. As a commuter college, this training is accomplished in a unique way through our key distinctives Biblical curriculum is based on a biblical world view, founded on scriptural truth, with its focus on ministry preparation and life transformation. Diverse students study and experience the education process with fellow students from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Accessible courses offered on campus are available during the day, evening and Saturdays, and through alternative schedules to provide students an opportunity to fit their studies into their life schedules. Online courses provide needed flexibility or the adult learner. Affordable the cost of attendance is intentionally lower than other accredited private institutions and financial aid is available to assist students in meeting the financial requirements of their studies. Mission Statement. The College of Biblical StudiesHouston provides biblically based education for the Body of Christ, with primary focus on African American and other ethnic minority groups, and equips its students with a biblical worldview for Christian service to the church and the world. Implementation of Mission. To fulfill its Mission, the College of Biblical StudiesHouston Provides educational opportunities to prepare men and women for Christian vocation, leadership and ministry. Provides resources, services and an environment that encourages learning. Recruits students from the general Christian population with primary focus on African American and other ethnic minority groups. Serves as a leadership development and resource center for churches and the Christian community at large. Serves as a Christian influence in the greater Houston area and beyond through educational, cultural and spiritual activities. Institutional Goals. Through the Colleges curricular and co curricular experiences, CBS students demonstrate Biblical and theological knowledge, recognizing Scripture as the ultimate authority for life and godliness. Skills that reflect critical thinking and problem solving ability. Attitudes and values indicative of an integrated biblical worldview. Sensitivity to various cultural viewpoints. Skills of effective communication. Skills for Christian ministry. STATEMENT OF INSTITUTIONAL PHILOSOPHY OF STUDENT DEVELOPMENTCBS is committed to the truth that the Bible is central to the Christian life and that Christians are called to love and glorify God by living a holy life of testimony and service in the power of the Holy Spirit. The educational goal of CBS is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith I Tim. Capture One Pro Trial Reset Tool there. CBS combines programs in both theological and general education so that students can recognize and interact with biblical and non biblical worldviews. Students are educated in disciplines that help them know and articulate Scripture, preparing them for personal ministry for the equipping of the saints for ministry in order to build up the local and universal body of Christ Eph. From this basic philosophy flow two essential objectives personal growth and communal ministry. In accord with the life, education and ministry goals of each student, CBS encourages students to continue growing in the grace, awe, and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ in association with a local church.